Sunday, May 9, 2010


I am not a religious person by any means. In fact, I'm one of those people that doesn't get into discussions involving religion because I don't want to offend anyone. When it comes to sports though, I can become crazy religious. So, today I put on my Jesus necklace and got to my knees and prayed to everybody that the Wolves win tonight's game. I said something like, "Please please please let the Wolves win tonight's game so I can see them Tuesday. And please please please help them win that game so they can hopefully play against the Bulldogs!"

I had to work at 4, and Mom and Dad were kind enough to drop by and have a Mother's Day dinner with me ;) I asked Dad to text me the score when he got home because I was dying to know what went down while I was working! Never got a text. I thought maybe their loss was so horrible that Dad wanted to spare me the agony.
As soon as I got home I went to the computer, checked my email, and saw the Wolves GOT A SHUTOUT!!!!! I ran to Mom and said, "We're going to a hockey game on Tuesday!! [Eeek!]"

There is a God!

[EDIT, MAJOR EDIT!] It's unclear whether or not my FGF will be playing Tuesday D: He was injured in the first period of tonight's game DD: Not sure on the det's, but... asdfgh!@#

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