Thursday, February 4, 2010

Who Will Be the New Face of the Thrashers?; Let's Cry Together

I feel like I've just lost my own child... or something. This is terrible! WE LOST KOVALCHUUUUUUK D: Just about every team has that guy that sort of represents the team. Like, "So & so will be facing Alexander Ovechkin and the Capitals this Sunday" or "Watch as you know who takes on Patrick Kane and the Chicago Blackhawks." Ilya was Atlanta's face. But now that he's gone (with the New Jersey Devils) I can't imagine who will be the guy. Max? I mean, if my notes are correct, he had the second highest, now first highest, total of goals. Kovy had 30 (at the time of my notes) & Afinogenov had 14. Yikes, right?
Oh yeah, and Anssi Salmela is gone too D: I liked him.
Now we have Oduya, Cormier, and Bergfors. Oh sheesh. Oduya. I always laugh when I hear his name 'cause I think, "Oh? Do ya?" Drives me crazy :/ I don't know Bergfors... I heard Cormier recently got suspended. I'll have to check that out later. I must go weep now.

In other news, before heading off to school 20 minutes behind schedule, I stopped to get the mail. I was stoked because I had TWO packages with my name, one a particularly big, heavy package. I thought for sure it was my jersey! I was so excited and thrilled! Get home and what do I find? My fucking text book. I forgot all about that. FML!

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