Friday, June 4, 2010

Long Time No Post

Last night I listened to the Stars/Bears Calder Cup Finals Game 1 in the car. I was thrilled when the Stars won 2-1 in regulation, so I guess I'm coming to terms with them beating the Wolves.

The Blackhawks, oh baby. I desperately want them to win the series 4-1. That would mean I could be at home to see them win on Sunday. If they go 6 or 7, I'll either have to tape the games or switch shifts at work (God help me). I'd rather see them win "live" instead of being behind everybody else because I'd be watching the game at 11 o'clock after the fact...

I'm kicking myself for waiting so long to discuss the end of the regular season, and actually I am thinking about just forgetting about the whole thing. Wish I would have been keeping tabs on the Playoffs, too. I've been enjoying watching the games rather than talking about them I guess.

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