Wednesday, June 16, 2010

... Yep, Disappointment

As soon as I got into my car after work Monday night and started it up, I got the news over the radio that Texas had lost. I buried my face in my hands and hoped Jen didn't look over and see me because I don't want her asking about it the next time we meet. I wasn't going to watch my tape, but then I saw Krahn was playing so I sorta feel like I have to. I mean, I really want to... despite the shutout that was NOT in his favor. Oh boo hoo. I shed a tear, I did. But life will go on. I can continue to dislike them I guess. Wait, no I can't. Krahn just signed a one-year contract extension with the Stars. Um, fml maybe?

I was so mad listening to the Bears players saying they didn't know what to say because this was such a "once in a lifetime experience" or something. I kept shouting, "YOU WON LAST YEAR! JUST REPEAT WHAT YOU SAID THEN!" Then I realized some might be repeating what they said, so I corrected myself, "SAY WHAT YOU SAID THE DAY AFTER YOU HAD TIME TO THINK ABOUT SOMETHING TO SAY!"
Clearly I was being an irrational jerk and probably made up the story that someone said something like "once in a lifetime...", but I was just so mad. I know it's dumb, but it makes me feel like the Wolves lost to a losing team, you know? Like, there was no sense in them losing to this second place team. But then I am reminded that this is the first year for the franchise that is the Stars and I think that is absolutely wonderful for the team and the community. Heck, it is good for hockey in general.

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