Pretty sure I bombed at the job fair. Everyone took minutes to talk with reps while I took half seconds. haha Basically:
ME: Got any internships?
THEM: Next season.
ME: Here's my resume. K, thanks, bye.
The first booth I went to was for the IceHogs. The guy couldn't tell me about off-ice officiating :\ He said, "Oh, now I remember seeing that on our site (he didn't know that was listed when I brought it up), but this guy *hands over business card* can tell you all about it." Waste of time waiting in line? Probably. Same with the Thrashers. I didn't even give them a resume because the woman made it sound like they wouldn't look at them until next season. Why bother? Plus, intern positions are only available to those that need college credit. Bah. I really liked the Blackhawks rep I talked with and the fact she gave me
two nicely made-up papers of what they were offering. I liked the Fielders guy I talked to. We shared the common ground of "Earn experience, then earn money."
The last rep I talked to was for the Wolves. He said I could try getting in to general administration. (I think that's what it was!) He said, "To do good, you have to introduce yourself to the other departments, help where ever and whenever you can. If you stay in a room and make phone calls, that will get you nowhere." Hey, I think I could do this administration thing! I hate being on the phone ;P
After the fair was
THE WOVLES vs. THE STARS!!! I was so excited because we were in section 112, row B! I've always sat in the upper level. Not that we couldn't afford 100 level; I'm guessing the 'rents like being high up? I was also excited because KRAAAAAAHN was goaltending for the Staaaaaars!!! More on him later.
As we walked to our section, Mom saw a table with goodies on it. She wanted me to get her a pen. One was not supposed to simply
grab a pen and go, one had to
win a pen. These people at
Clear explained their deal (after I asked, "What's the deal with this?"), made me fill out a card, and then I spun a prize wheel. I didn't win a pen, but I did win a tote bag.
Did you know hockey players have
faces? It was a wonderful discovery. I really have nothing else that ties in with that, so...
I was disappointed Spencer wasn't in the starting line-up because I love hearing Spencer Mmmmmmm AC HA CEK! And I was disappointed (but not surprised) Sterling wasn't in the lineup at all. Come back!!
We got to see Mannino twice. (He was on the east, as were we) Mom was all, "You have to watch this guy warm up!"
Even though all goalies do pretty much the same warm-up routines, I go into a trance watching them. I also like to see what they're doing when nobody's in their zone during play. Krahn likes to bend over and rest his arms on his knees, and Mannino stands upright. So you know :)
Saw Krahn once. I wanted to shout how I miss him so, because he would have actually heard me, but decided against it. I didn't want to get jumped. There was a boy a few rows back that kept yelling about how badly he sucked. Pfft, as if, boy. I was close to turning around and telling him to STFUGTFO, leave the man alone, but thankfully he became silent, pehaps he indeed
did GTFO.
First period, Wolves and Stars were scoreless. There was a fight between Weller and Gadzik. Weller was definitely the victor. Both got 5 for fighting.
Second period, Stars 2 Wolves 1. Stars scored first, which was inevitable because the Wolves had a number of penalties and Stars had more SOG. Kozek was the only one to score.
Third period, tied 3-3. Postma and Anderson scored. The tie'er was made with just over 3 minutes left by Sawada. Fans were not happy about that!
There was a two minute penalty against the Wolves in overtime. I would have been biting my nails had my hands not been in my jersey sleeves being warmed. (Yes, my jersey's first game-day appearance!!:)
Shootout. Just what I wanted, but not with the result I wanted! Wolves scored once thanks to Crabb. Stars scored twice.
An unhappy ending, but a great game to watch! Plus, I caught a t-shirt! Yes, with my own two hands!!! It has a Sonic logo on back and a Wolves logo on front. XL haha I was going to alter it, but maybe I'll keep it as a sleep shirt. I couldn't believe I caught it. Later, Dad caught a burrito stress thing. It had Holzapfel's name on it. I think if he had scored we would have won a free burrito. We did get $1 off Fisher nuts for having the winning number in an intermission race :P
Final score 3-4