Friday, March 12, 2010

Listen For the Flush

I'm watching the Capitals/Lightning being broadcast from a public bathroom. Seriously, they need to remove the tin cans from their microphones or something because I'm finding it very difficult to keep listening!

The Thrashers are losing.
The Oilers came so close to winning yesterday.

Adam Burish is back in the game! He had an assist in, like, the first 20 seconds of the first period and then got into a fight. I loved his hizzah reaction after that :D So great to see him back!! Now the team is complete ♥

Oh yeah, we still get repeat airings in the living room. That means Dad's not going to do anything about getting it back in the kitchen. That means I can't tape anything unless he lets me use the DVR. I don't want to do that :(

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